
O.O.T.W. Greyscale

11:33 AM

Overalls: Tj Maxx
Sweater: Tj Maxx
Necklace: BCBG

              Hello lovelies! As you might be able to tell overalls are my all time fave. Honestly what's not to love about them?! They have the aesthetics of a dress but have the comfort of shorts. Plus they can be either super classy or comfy casual, depending on how you style them. Also I'm sporting matte blue nails again because it's become a little bit of an obsession. I purchased a matte top coat from Revlon last week and I've been loving it. You probably can't tell by the picture but the top coat just takes all the shine out of the polish, which actually looks really cool. I'm also wearing a new pair of sandals from H&M (my first pair of the season!!!). I'm so excited that the weather has finally decided to stop being difficult and has warmed up, I was getting a bit tired of my feet being stuffed into boots everyday. These strappy sandals make me feel super tall, even if the platform is barely an inch, and I have a feeling they're going to be a staple in my summer wardrobe. Although just  a warning, the strap on mine was tearing so I just went back to the store and they gave me a new pair. Mine were probably just a faulty pair, but if you go buy them check to make sure the strap isn't ripped first. I'm sorry if this post made no sense, I'm currently in bed with a fever and I have no clue what I'm even typing. 

I'm gonna go back to sleep now, bye & hope you enjoyed! :D

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