
O.O.T.W. Graduation

6:50 PM

(My friends Nick and Scott :D)

Dress: TJ Maxx

This weekend I accomplished something major...I sat on a stage for almost four hours with no potty breaks. Oh, and then I graduated high school. The past four years of my life have come and gone and with them came friendship, disappointments, opportunities, and amazing memories. They say high school is the best time of your life and I completely…disagree. It's a lot of up's and a whole bunch of downs. I'm not bitter though, I've grown and developed more as a person during this short time than I have over the course of my life. Like an exponential graph (SEE I LEARNED SOMETHING). 

My style is something that has definitely seen a lot of ups and downs during my high school career. I went from a pattern mixing freshman, to a boho sophomore, to an edgy graphic-loving junior, to a classy stylish senior (I like to think). I remember seeing the seniors as a freshman and being so jealous that they had such nice style, and now I'm finally one of them! (maybe).

For my graduation outfit I wore this adorable white dress with scalloping and mesh detail on the top. Honestly scalloping and mesh?! It's like they made it for me. Oh! Did I mention it had pockets!? Well it did and I was in heaven! I saw this amazing dress in TJ Maxx and it as on clearance for some unknown reason, so it was a little big at first. I took in the top and left the length because I felt it was classy that way, plus I didn't have to keep tugging at it because it was too short. I paired it with the Topshop Honeymoon sandals (minimal heel for trip-prevention) and a pearl choker also from Topshop. I'm really into chokers now, what do you guys think of them? Hope you enjoyed & to all my fellow graduates congrats you made it!

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