
O.O.T.W. Blurred Dots

7:52 AM

Bag: Steve Madden

Hello! First off I'd like to apologize for the not so up to par quality pictures, I had to employ my parents for the weekend and they have this amazing ability to defy the anti-shake feature on my camera. But I love them none the less, and s/o to my mom on her 50th birthday!! To celebrate we saw The Book of Mormon on Broadway which was hilarious and so entertaining. I have some pictures but apparently it's illegal to post them so I'm just gonna leave that out…as for my outfit I wore a denim circle skirt I found at Cotton On for $5! They have the absolute best clearance section I've ever see, there are always adorable deals towards the back of the store. I tried to switch it up with my hair and do a braided headband, I'm not so sure if it worked though (I'm not much of a hair girl). Also I'd like to talk about these adorable platforms I received from Shelly's London. I won a contest for these beauties on Jaglever's instagram. They're a fancier version of my H&M sandals, but with a closed toe which I really love (incase I didn't get my nails done). They have a little bit of a platform heel which makes me feel super tall, but not unsteady. I wore them all around the city yesterday and was still genuinely comfortable! So that was my slightly blurry outfit of the week, hope you enjoyed!

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  1. You look so cute in this outfit! And I think you did a great job with the braided headband, your hair looks so cute like that!


  2. This outfit is lovely, absolutely love the shoes. I'll have to buy a pair of them for myself :) x

    1. Thankya! And definitely give the shoes a go, they're awesome!

