
Check it Out: Fresh Faces 2014

6:33 PM

There are three things in this world that are undeniably and absolutely true; one eye is always bigger than the other, people that don't password protect their wifi are angels in disguise, and watching ANTM instantly makes anyone want to be a model. I know I sure did, I'd spend hours in front of the mirror perfecting my smize and finding my best angle. Although I trained everyday for a career as a model, I knew realistically my measurements just weren't model-esque. I feel like there shouldn't be a number limit on modeling, anyone can be beautiful so anyone should be able to model. Thanks to modelmanagement.com, everyone is able to have an equal chance at living out their dreams! This wonderful website contacted me to spread the word on this all inclusive competition, so here it is!

           Anyone can enter the Fresh Faces 2014 contest, and everyone should (well I mean, if you want to). It's super easy, even I could understand it without reading it twice, and that's saying a lot. Here are the steps;

1. Make an account on Model Management's site

2. Upload some pics of you doing your best smize

3. Rack up mad votes; try chain mailing the link to all your grandma's friends and sharing it on Facebook to all of your friends (and or acquaintances)

            After all the artsy pics are uploaded and shared, 2 winners (a boy and girl) from each of the participating 42 countries are chosen. These winners receive modeling contracts from their home countries! Then they are put into the pool again to win an even bigger prize! Judges look for modeling potential, but votes also count so don't just charm the judges, charm your friends too!

            The big guns are then taken out and the world wide winners are chosen by a panel of professional modeling scouts. These guys get international modeling contracts!! Prior winners have walked the runway of Prada, Armani, and whooed the one and only Karl Langerfeld. Honestly what gets better than that….and it all started out with an iPhone picture and a few shares on Facebook!

            Now all you future models out there get to work! Also make sure to leave the link in the comments if you entered the competition, I'd love to see it!! If I confused you with all my ranting here are some links that better explain the details;

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