Off to the Races

5:14 PM

A classy, sunny evening and a big floppy hat...

As I mentioned in my previous post, "Crystal Clear", my family has uprooted itself from our home in Westchester, New York, in favor of a new home and life in the charming county of Saratoga. Just like any hormonal teenager, I was furious at first. I would sit miserably in the pouring rain, salty black masacara tears streaming down my stained cheeks, and mope about how my life was over. Up until the day after the move, I was nothing less than an emotional wreck. 

I would refer back to my previous writings about the move and try to convince myself that, yes, it will all work out in the end.  Although, the first day of walking into my new home, I saw red. There were boxes everywhere, none of my belongings were anywhere to be found, and my bedroom carpet was puke green. I spent the day and night with tear stained cheeks once again. 

About a week after the initial introduction to my new home, the rain cleared and the puffy white Saratoga clouds bobbed happily in the sky. The sea of boxes were finally sorted, and my house felt like my home again (and honestly a little bit better than my old home). I explored the new area with my mother every day, and found it had a beautiful harmony of cute, quaint shops, and modern chains (like chipotle!!). As cheesy as it sounds, it felt as if the stars were suddenly brighter and clouds puffier than my old home. 

Although I miss my friends, I've learned to embrace the lifestyle of a Saratogan; where the supermarkets are beautiful, the racetrack's a main attraction, and a classy sense of style's a must when walking downtown.

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  1. Looking flawless as usual girl! Those sunglasses look perfect on you xoxo

